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Marlon Brando Shirtless

marlon brando shirtless streetcar

Marlon Brando shirtless in  Streetcar Named Desire

Brando, born Marlon Brando, Jr., is widely considered the greatest actor of all time. No other actor  so influenced public opinion of what an actor Was, before, or since, his portrayal of Stanley Kowalski in the film adaptation of Tennessee William’s Pulitzer Prize winning play A Streetcar Named Desire.
His roles in One the Water Front and the 1974 Godfather film won Brando Oscars for Beast Leading Actor.   His last truly great film was Apocalypse Now in 1979.
A famous Brando quote is:  “To grasp the significance of life is the actor’s duty, to interpret it is his problem, and to express it his dedication. Brando did it all.

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