Tough Guy Michael Madsen Shirtless

michael madsen

Michael Madsen-tough guy with a soft heart.  Sexy combination

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Michael Soren Madsen was born in Chicago, IL and made his film debut in the starring role of Against All Hope.  He played “Bartholomew ‘Bump’ Bailey” in The Natural, crazed killer “Vince Miller” in Kill Me Again, and “Jimmy” in Thelma & Louise.  His breakthrough role was the sadistic “Mr. Blond” in director Quentin Terantino’s  Reservoir Dogs.  His success in Reservoir Dogs opened the way for more major films such as Free Willy, Mulholland Falls, Wyatt Earp, Species and Donnie Brasco.  Madsen worked in another Terantino film, Kill Bill, and in the James Bond film Die Another Day.  In addition to on-screen acting Madsen has done voice work for The Chronicles of Narnia: The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe as the wolf “Maugrim”, narration for Animal Planet and in the video game Yakuza.
Michael Madsen said, “I like to diversify.  And I am all about longevity.  I want to be doing this for as long as I can.”  We’re with you on that, Michael

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