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Warren Beatty Nude


This old pic catches Warren Beatty fully nude.

Warren Beatty was born Henry Warren Beaty in Richmond, VA and is the brother of famous actress Shirley MacLaine.  Beatty is a well-known Hollywood actor, producer, writer, and director.  His first major film role was in Splendor in the Grass opposite Natalie Wood.
Beatty produced, directed, starred in and wrote the screen play for Heaven Can Wait.  He also wrote, produced, directed and/or starred in Reds, Shampoo, Bonnie and Clyde, Dick Tracy, Bulworth, and Bugsy.  Most of Beatty’s later works were done behind the camera as producer and director.  Many of his films were nominiated for Academy Awards, Golden Globe Awards, and Writer’s Guild of America Awards.
Warren Beatty, handsome, charming and so talented brought entertainment at its finest to filmgoers.